My Berghia arrived yesterday and HOLY CRAP are they tiny. I dripped them over a couple of hours and then let them crawl out on their own. I have put them into a container that has a 200um mesh screen so I at least know where they are.
Very excited to get this breeding project off the ground. Now I just hope the aiptasia hold out. I have been stressing them by poking them a couple of times, but think I may squirt frozen RO water over them and completely stress them out even more. I need them to spread their love!We had a very eventful day in the fish shed yesterday. Little girl Mandarin got stuck and I had to free her. Not the brightest of fish. She seems ok, but I am not expecting eggs off her for a while. Also upset the whole tank by catching the reef lobster and cleaner shrimp yesterday and moved them into my free section in the broodstock tank. Now I only need a female reef lobster and I will give those a go.
I pulled a lovely big ball of eggs from Mr Orchid (day two!) Good sign really as he has normally started to eat them by now. They are tumbling slowly in a rain gauge, and should by all accounts hatch tomorrow.
My second gramma fish turns out was not a female, and died yesterday by being bullied by the bigger fish, who I am sure is male. I may try and get the trio off Perry.
I am still waiting for a mate for my bio colour blenny, who I am sure is male. The Perc clowns are still eating my hands, but are showing signs of getting ready to spawn. And I am not expecting much from the Clarkii just yet.
Its all go around mine!
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